Recent Projects

Mentoring +

​Mentoring + is a mentoring program for youth ages 8 to 17.  We work with our youth to ensure

success by providing mentoring, tutoring, parental support, exposure activities, and workforce preparation.  If you have a student in need of educational support or career exploration, sign them up here. If you would like to provide support to our youth, complete a volunteer application.

Pathways to Success Program

The Pathways to Success program fosters pre-release services and the attainment of industry-recognized credentials to improve the long-term workforce outcomes for returning citizens of the communities of Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas, Pasco and/or Polk County. To learn more about this program, click here.

Mentor Recruitment
TBAH is currently recruiting mentors for youth ages 12-24.  Our youth are in need of role models and healthy adult relationships. If you would like to volunteer please apply here.

Are our children being pushed into PRISON?  The pipeline to prison:  The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world and its prisons and jails are overwhelmingly filled with African Americans and Latinos.  The paths to prison for young African American and Latino men are many, but the starting points are often the school and foster care systems.  Students of color face harsher discipline and are more likely to be pushed out of school than whites.  Black and Latino students are twice as likely to NOT GRADUATE high school as whites.  68% of all males in state and federal prison do not have a high school diploma.  Help us change that. 

Become a mentor!

Tampa Bay Academy of Hope provides mentoring programs and tutoring services to all.

We have a simple mission:  Keep our youth in school and out of the prison pipeline and help them become productive and successful citizens!

What We’re Doing

Board of Directors:

Christopher Shaver

Frankie Grover

Amy Munroe

Evelyn Reed

Yuvette Roberts

Stacy Walker

Jackie Waters

Company Profile

Tampa Bay Academy of Hope


Founded: 1996

Executive Director: Titania Lamb


Areas of expertise: 
Mentoring, Tutoring, Life Skills, Educational and Vocational Training, Employment and Job Placement